Sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/ What I did was renamed /usr/lib/ to and then linked the new one with: The new driver is in /usr/local/lib while the old one is in /usr/lib. BUT, once the driver was compiled and I compiled and ran the example verify-live, you have to install the new driver(sudo make install) and then unlink the old driver and link in the new one. Downloading the latest libfprint source and building it does the trick. In a nutshell, I got the fingerprint-gui software but it would not recognize the device. I had to download the driver from git(see the git trouble report below and look to the for the zip file and then for trouble shooting compiling). Got it reading and verifying on a Thinkpad Edge e531( running Kubuntu 13.10 ) which has the vfs5011 finger print device like yours.